Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Disney Scoping Report

Question: Write about theDisney Scoping Report. Answer: Marketing Strategy of Disney in Kuala Lumpur Product Disney is an extremely popular American mass media and entertainment conglomerate. While, expanding Kuala Lumpur, Disney will offer various video games, theme parks, music and broadcasting. This city is highly popular in Malaysia for its tourism attraction and visitors from around the world frequently visit this city. Therefore, these products will be highly popular to those people. The people of this city extremely favor entertainment activities in their life. Therefore, the products of Disney like films, studio and music will be extremely popular and welcoming to the people of this city (Wei, Samiee and Lee 2014). The funny, fast paced and action adventurous films of this organization will be highly popular for all types of customers of this city. Moreover, the organization can also establish parks and resort in this city. It will be highly attractive to the tourists and other local people of this city. Moreover, the organization can also offer vast array of cable, broadcast and ot her digital business for making the city more attractive in the world. Price In Kuala Lumpur, Disney will be focused on attracting mass customers to be involved in their business. Therefore, the price of the products will be set by keeping in mind in the affordability of the middle class people. Disney will be willing to focus on the kids and their parent for having its merchandise. Therefore, the organization will set affordable price for their products so that middle class people of this city can also enjoy its products. The tickets of Disneyland will be set as moderate so that customers can visit it repeatedly (Gummesson, Kuusela and Nrvnen 2014). Moreover, the organization will use price penetration strategy, where price of the products will be kept as low for grabbing the market. Place The products of Disney will be placed mostly in the big malls and shopping centers of Kuala Lumpur. Moreover, the products will be placed strategically so that these are visible to the customers. Moreover, in the resorts and parks for Disney, there will be separate Disney stores, where the customers can easily avail Disney products (Schmidt, Spann and Zeithammer 2014). Moreover, customers can easily access the products of this organization from the stores. The Disney stores will be flexible enough for the customers to purchase the products. Furthermore, the organization will also initiate Disney Cruise Line. The customers can also avail the products of Disney from the ports initiated by the organization in Kuala Lumpur. Promotion The promotional strategy for Disney will be holistic in Kuala Lumpur. The organization will use media advertising through TV, radio, movie teasers, newspaper, magazines, commercials and billboards. People eagerly wait for the next movie to be released by Disney and wait for Disneyland tickets (Bharadwaj 2015). Therefore, the organization does not necessarily need push marketing for its movies and resorts. Moreover, the organization will also use various packages for the Disneyland tickets towards attracting the customers. Moreover, the organization will use their traditional tagline as the happiest place on earth for attracting the customers towards visiting Disney stores (Kumar 2015). The organization will also offer their products through online portals. Furthermore, the organization will also use social media marketing for increasing interaction with the customers. Moreover, the organization will use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Target Marketing (Demographic) Target marketing is the strategic approach for focusing on specific group of customers for offering customized products (Athanasopoulou, Giovanis and Avlonitis 2015). In case of Disney, this approach will effectively work as proper marketing communication for delivering personalized message to the customers of Kuala Lumpur and properly engaging with the customers. Demographic marketing will help the organization in classifying the targeting the customers depend on their personal attributes. Demographic Marketing Age The organization will target customer from almost all age group. For the animation film, toys and other groups, the kids and their parents will be targeted. Disney channels and radio Disney radios will be favorite both for teenage and older kids. The organization will attract the adult group for their Disney theme parks and resorts. Gender The organization will target both male and female customers for their products. Income The organization will target customers having middle to high income. Profession The people having their media related job will be the prime target for Disney. Moreover, Disney will also target people having publishing house. Education Disney will target mostly educated people. Table 1: Demographic Marketing of Disney (Source: Created by Author) Reference List Athanasopoulou, P., Giovanis, A.N. and Avlonitis, G.J., 2015. Marketing strategy decisions for brand extension success.Journal of Brand Management,22(6), pp.487-514. Bharadwaj, S., 2015. Developing new marketing strategy theory: addressing the limitations of a singular focus on firm financial performance.AMS review,5(3-4), pp.98-102. Gummesson, E., Kuusela, H. and Nrvnen, E., 2014. Reinventing marketing strategy by recasting supplier/customer roles.Journal of Service Management,25(2), pp.228-240. Kumar, V., 2015. Evolution of marketing as a discipline: What has happened and what to look out for.Journal of Marketing,79(1), pp.1-9. Schmidt, K.M., Spann, M. and Zeithammer, R., 2014. 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